Friday, March 27, 2020

How older people can use technology to stay healthy and connected while avoiding coronavirus?

How older people can use technology to stay healthy and connected while avoiding coronavirus?

Corona virus pandemic is everywhere. Older people are vulnerable to illness. Researches show that old people with medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, lung diseases or cancer and aging disorders are more likely to get effected by corona virus easily.
The foremost precautions to be taken are:
·         Wash your hands frequently
·         Avoid Crowds
·         Do not touch your face with hands
·         Drink more water
·         Maintain a healthy diet
In the process of their aging, they tend to be lonely and unoccupied. In order to stay healthy and connected, technology plays a key role. We should practice the following to keep the elders involved and stress free
·         Teach them how to use smart phones, computer, laptops etc.
·         Teach them how to use social media.
·         Teach them how to video call so that they stay in touch with their dear ones.
·         These can be good times for the adults to occupy themselves and get involved in various activities in social media like chatting, video calling, reading various books and articles.
In this quarantine period technology plays a crucial role to keep the elders involved in activities which helps to improve their mental health.
It’s our responsibility to take care of our beloved elder people. Stay safe and keep them safe.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Gerascophobia: The fear of Getting Old

The fear of aging or growing old is known as gerascophobia. It is originated from a Greek word gerasko which means “I am Old”. The symptoms of this problem are as follows:
  • Biological failure: People suffering from gerascophobia fear from age-related diseases and fading of their health and beauty. This starts when there is loss of body functionality such as tooth decay, eye sight problems, diabetes, blood-pressure and hearing loss.
  • Surgery: People undergo plastic surgeries to look younger and wrinkle reduction treatments. This is considered as an early symptom of gerascophobia.
  • Fading Sense of purpose: Due to irreversible bad health conditions people tend to fear and lose hope which leads to fading sense of purpose towards life
  • Being an easy Crime Target: Elder people are considered as weak and easy targets to get robbed and elder abuse and thievery because of being weaker, slow reactions and less able to defend themselves.
·         Regular counselling by professional therapists
·         Living a quality life
·         Having Positive Thoughts
·         Following Anti-Aging Strategies
·         Elder Care
By following the above precautions one can avoid the phobia of getting old and can lead a happy and healthy aging life.

Fear is ones worst enemy. It leads to worst conditions mentally and physically. There is no escape from aging and there is no reverse process of aging. One should accept the fact and move on, that too happily. Aging is an unavoidable, but healthy aging is adaptive.

Friday, March 6, 2020

8 Anti-Aging Tips for Your Skin

8 Anti-Aging Tips for Your Skin

·         Healthy Food Habits
·         Gentle Face Wash
·         Water Intake
·         Avoid Sun
·         Quit Smoking
·         Exercise
·         Avoid Alcohol
·         Smile

1. Healthy Food Habits:
Good food and balanced diet is necessary for skin to look healthy and young. Healthy foods like protein which include chicken, fish and nuts like almond helps the skin look healthy. Vitamin C intake is useful for glowing skin such as oranges, tomato, kiwi, broccoli, strawberries and papaya. Regular intake of green tea also cleanses your skin from inside and makes your skin look clean and fresh.
2. Gentle Face Wash:
Use a gentle face wash to your skin. Wash your face at least twice a day to remove excess oil and impurities from the skin. Avoid using harsh scrubs on your gentle skin. Handle your skin smoothly to avoid any cause of rashes or damage.
3. Water Intake:
Drink plenty of water daily. This is one of the anti-aging  formulas. The uses of water are many, such as it hydrates the skin, improves complexion, reduces wrinkles, purifies the skin, clears acne on the face, and tightens the skin which eventually leads to Healthy Aging. By drinking enough water regularly, it detoxifies your skin and makes your skin look younger and healthy.
4. Avoid Hot Sun:
Avoid roaming under the hot sun, as it tans and damages your skin cells. Use sunscreen before going out in the day. Avoid direct contact with the sun rays. Take proper precautions like using sunscreen, covering your face and exposed skin with scarf or cloth thus by saving your skin and beauty.
5. Quit Smoking:
Smoking not only damages internal organs but also damages your skin. Cigarette smoking uses up many nutrients which helps in protecting your skin. Your skin tone becomes uneven. Also, your skin begins to sag and premature aging signs appear. Smoking may also lead to skin cancer.
6. Exercise:
Regular exercise helps in reducing your physical age. By following regular exercise the skin tightens, sagged skin disappears and you look young and healthy.
7. Avoid Alcohol:
Alcohol intake makes you look old. Alcohol widens your skin pores leading to formation of whiteheads and blackheads. It dehydrates your skin making it dry and pale. Alcohol can also lead to skin damages by forming wrinkles and also destroys blood vessels.
8. Smile:
Smile is considered as a biggest cure. Smile makes you look younger, it reduces stress. Smile emphasizes your cheek bones and lips and it always makes you feel better and look younger. So, always keep smiling.

How older people can use technology to stay healthy and connected while avoiding coronavirus?

How older people can use technology to stay healthy and connected while avoiding coronavirus? Corona virus pandemic is everywhere...